Paper submission is now closed.
Policy Statements for paper submission and presentation of accepted papers
- The decision notification deadline was chosen to facilitate the timely receipt of US visas for international authors. Authors are responsible for a timely application for US Visa. The Conference secretariat will provide letters of invitation as needed.
- Papers accepted for the meeting must be presented by one of the authors, and at least one of the authors must register for the meeting at the author rate.
- If no authors attend the meeting to present their work, the paper will be withdrawn from the proceedings and from IEEE Xplore.
- Authors may not delegate presentation of their paper to any one else in attendance.
Paper Submission Instructions
- In order to submit a manuscript for review, an account at the CMT site must be created for each author.
- Submissions must be anonymous, i.e., the submitted paper must not divulge the identity of the authors (see below).
- Submissions may be up to eight pages in IEEE conference format. Papers longer than six pages in the published proceedings will incur a page charge. Papers accepted and presented at BTAS 2013 will be available in the IEEE Xplore digital library.
- Authors are required by IEEE to transfer copyrights for any papers placed in Xplore. This is performed at the time final versions are submitted for production. If a paper is withdrawn from the proceedings, copyright will revert to the authors.
- Latex and MS-Word templates for formatting papers can be accessed here: Manuscript Templates.
- The paper submission website is now open: BTAS 2013 Paper Submission Site.
Instructions for Anonymizing Your Submission
- Remove author names, affiliations, email addresses, etc. from the paper.
- Remove personal acknowledgments.
- When reporting experiments on data collected in your lab, consider stating this as “This experiment was conducted using data acquired in our labs“. Do not state this as “This experiment was conducted using data that was collected in our labs at Mars University“.
- When citing your own work in the narrative, ensure that the narrative does not divulge your identity. For example, assume that you have the following bibliographic item co-authored by you:
[1] A. Alice and B. Trudy, “On Anonymizing Papers: A Case Study,” 2006.
When citing your own work, consider using the following statement:
The work by Alice and Trudy [1] demonstrates the possibility of generating anonymous papers.
The notion of anonymous papers has received considerable attention in the literature [1],[2],[3].
However, do not state the following:
Our previous work [1] showed that generating anonymous papers is possible.