Instructions for oral, poster and demo presenters
Note: 1. If a paper is not presented (oral or poster) by one of its authors, then the paper will be withdrawn from the proceedings and from IEEE Xplore.
2. Authors may not delegate presentation of their paper to a non-author in attendance.
Oral Presentation
1. Please meet the session chair for your session at least 15 minutes before the session begins.
2. If you are using your own laptop for the presentation, please ensure that it is compatible with the LCD projector present in the room. As a precautionary measure, please also bring a USB memory stick containing your presentation.
3. If you will be using the laptop present in the conference hall, please bring a USB memory stick containing your presentation. The laptop will have Microsoft PowerPoint available in it.
4. You must ensure that your presentation does not exceed 15 minutes. This will give 5 minutes for the session chair and audience to pose questions.
Poster Spotlight Presentation
1. During the Spotlight Session, poster presenters will have the opportunity to give a brief 2-minute oral highlight of their poster in the conference hall. This presentation will serve as a teaser for the audience to view the poster in the following session.
2. To facilitate this, every presenter should prepare a two-slide presentation and submit it through CMT. This presentation should not contain any video or audio objects, text animation, or non-static content of any kind. Each presentation should have exactly two pages (including the title slide).
3. The slides should be uploaded to CMT ( by September 22, 2013. These presentations will be preloaded onto the conference laptop and cannot be modified. We regret that we cannot accommodate poster presentations on USB sticks brought to the session at the last minute, or presentations on authors’ laptops.
4. The slides in the Spotlight Session will be presented in quick succession. Therefore, each presentation must not exceed 2 minutes.
Poster Presentation
1. All posters must be necessarily mounted before 8:30am on the day of the presentation. Mounting boards and pins/adhesives will be available in the poster room.
2. The posters in each session will be numbered. The list of numbers will be posted in the room. Please use your numbered location.
3. The maximum size of a poster is 36 inches wide and 48 inches tall.
4. Authors must be present at their poster for the entire duration of their session.
5. Posters must be removed from their mounting only after the end of the final oral session on the day of the presentation.
2. To facilitate this, every presenter should prepare a two-slide presentation. Each presentation should have exactly two pages (including the title slide).
3. The slides should be sent to Thirimachos Bourlai at by September 22, 2013. These presentations will be preloaded onto the conference laptop and cannot be modified. We regret that we cannot accommodate spotlight presentations on USB sticks that are brought to the session at the last minute, or presentations on authors’ laptops.
4. The slides in the Spotlight Session will be presented in quick succession. Therefore, each presentation must not exceed 2 minutes.
1. All demos must be necessarily assembled and ready to operate before 8:30am on the day of the presentation.
2. Presenters must be present next to their demo for the entire duration of the session.