The call for tutorials is now closed.
BTAS 2013 – Call for Tutorials
The organizing committee is pleased to invite tutorial proposals for the IEEE Sixth International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS 2013). Tutorials can be for either half-a-day or full day. Tutorials will be held on 29 September 2013, a day before the main conference begins.
Tutorial proposals can address either emerging or established research topics that will be of broad interest to the biometrics community. Tutorials are expected to offer an opportunity for BTAS 2013 participants to acquire technical knowledge in emerging and/or established research areas in biometrics. Examples of topics may include, but are not limited to biometric security, forensics, and other challenging biometric applications such as remote and/or non-cooperative biometrics applications; biometric information fusion; latest advancements in various modalities; usability and user-centered studies; and performance assessment.
Tutorial proposals will be prioritized and evaluated based on their originality, relevance to the conference, qualifications of the tutors on the proposed topic, and their potential to attract participants to the conference.
Tutorial proposals should contain the following information; (i) title, (ii) abstract, (iii) target participants, (iv) prerequisites for the participants, (v) expected enrollment along with the basis of such enrollment, (vi) list of topics to be presented with their estimated duration and pointers to the associated literature, and (vii) short biography of the tutor with relevant experience on the tutorial topic.
Tutorial proposals should be submitted as a PDF attachment via email to the tutorial co-chairs: with CC to with the subject title “BTAS 2013 – Tutorial Proposal”.
Important Dates for Tutorials:
Tutorial proposal submission deadline : 15 April 2013
Acceptance notification : 15 May 2013
Tutorial date : 29 September 2013