Call for Demo Proposals

The call for demo proposals is now closed.

BTAS 2013 will host demo sessions to provide researchers the opportunity to showcase live demonstrations of their contributions in the area of biometrics. The demonstrations are intended to display, in an interactive setting, new methods/algorithms/technologies, system prototypes, or experimental features of mature systems.
Demonstrations from both academia and government agencies are welcome. The primary requirement is that the topic of the demo falls within the broad context of biometrics.
Prospective demo participants should fill out and submit an application form and videos describing the demonstration, and listing requirements (e.g. space, power, internet). All submitted applications will be reviewed and decisions will be based on the degree of appropriateness and quality for BTAS 2013. All presenters for each selected demo must register for the conference.
Kindly note that the display and marketing of commercial products must instead be arranged as part of the exhibition program.
For further information about demos please contact T. Bourlai at

Important Dates:

Application deadline: July 22, 2013
Acceptance notification: July 31, 2013
Camera-ready one page demo description: August 10, 2013